Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and our Company’s Articles of Association, our Company will disseminate future corporate communications, including but not limited to: (a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form (the “Corporate Communications”) to shareholders by electronic means through our Company’s website at www.gf-holdings.com and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at www.hkexnews.hk (the “Website Version”).
Shareholders are regarded to have consented to receive the Website Version for all the future Corporate Communications, and a notification of the publication of the Website Version of the Corporate Communications will be sent to the shareholders either by email or by post (only if our Company does not possess the functional email address from the shareholders).
Shareholders are entitled at any time by reasonable notice in writing to our Company c/o our Company’s Hong Kong branch share registrar, Boardroom Share Registrars (HK) Limited (by post to 2103B, 21/F, 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong) or by email to info@gf-holdings.com to request for a printed copy of the Corporate Communication, our Company will send the printed copy of the Corporate Communications to the shareholders free of charge as soon as possible upon their notice.
For details: